Maghold Build Platform for the Makergear M2 3D Printer

This new type of build platform uses a sprint steel top plate along with the bottom machined aluminum plate which contains embedded magnets.

The spring steel is removable which allows you to gently bend it to remove your parts without trying to pry up large parts from a rigid build platform which can be very frustrating and difficult – and mar the corners of your parts!

I actually managed to crack the original makergear glass and aluminum platform while trying to remove a particularly stuck on part.

The makergear uses a silicone heater pad attached with adhesive. I was able to pull the heater off the old platform without damage.

The temp sensor can also be unbolted and bolted onto the new makergear build platform easily.

The new platform mounts using the original built plate mounting holes so its really not a difficult swap.

Alan over at custom designed this build plate with my help measuring the mounting holes to fit the Makergear M2 3D printer – If you need one too be sure to ask him for a Makergear M2 style plate not the standard one. The price was very reasonable and not too much more than the flashforge size plate.

I’m only using 8×8″ buildtak build surface on the top, you can use the full size 8×10″ sheets to get complete print area, these are just what I had on hand and cost a little less than the 8×10 sheets if you don’t need the extra space.


2 thoughts on “Maghold Build Platform for the Makergear M2 3D Printer

    1. Hi Todd, yes it appears MagHold has stopped making them which is a bummer.. There are quite a few more competing products these days you can search for, I think Gecko tek makes one but I have no expeerience.

      I have actually started making my own magnetic build platforms for myself and should do a tutorial on that someday.. But the gist of it is:
      Buy this spring steel plate (or similar from other vendor):
      Buy this PEI sheet:
      Buy this 3M adhesive sheet:
      Buy these super strong 20×5 magnets at least 20 pcs:×5-20mm/32844950305.html

      Cut the spring steel to size with an angle grinder cutoff wheel, do it slowly to not overheat and loose temper, it is too hard to cut any other way.
      carefully apply the 3M adhesive and the PEI – search for youtube videos for hints.
      Attach the magnets to the bottom of the bed with Kapton tape. You can also use binder clips on the edges if the bed is too thick for the magnets to do much.

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